As I continue to wean myself off FB, which I’ve been doing for about 18mos now (I was firmly entrenched business-wise, still find my workarounds that can replace the two features I depended on - FB groups and messenger) … today it’s still my go-to easiest place to write - though I think this platform is changing that … early days, we’ll see.
So, I just made a post over there but then caught myself at the end … realizing that conversation, if it’s to happen, can be way less restricted over here.
The trick is to draw others away from the gravity of Facebook too. FB would really prefer to discourage that. They depend on our addiction.
We let them win when we’re complacent in just letting them serve up whatever they will (here’s one way I battle that) and aren’t proactive in understanding how their business model and the algorithms work against the possibility of transparent conversation.
I think that’s what I notice the most anyway. That and it aggravates the foundation seeking nature of my HumanDesign (which I talk more about over here than in this space).
But I digress.
My FB post this morning was prompted by watching Gov. Ron DeSantis’ speech at the CPAC event (that stands foe Conservative Political Action Conference - yes I had to look it up) happening this weekend. It happens to be here in Florida.
Was able to find it solo posted on Youtube by searching “desantis cpac 2022”
Watched it and appreciated what he had to say - it’s consistent with who he’s been since I started paying attention.
But it left me curious to know what within what he had to say might be triggering to the people who are friended or follow me on FB (which is, at this moment, 6898 people) - have had some pushback there and it’s time to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak…
… the offendables from those who can notice their own triggers and still take the good bits away… ask good questions … be curious…
By understanding exactly what it is that triggers myself and others, I think we make headway in that direction.
So if you’d like to play along … here’s what you can do next. Watch this 20-ish mins video first (if you want your own unfiltered reaction), and below 👇🏼 I can tell you about mine own triggers.
There’s possibly only two things that ‘trigger’ (actually kind of hate that word, but I’m rolling with it) me and my own biases (unconscious or not) when I’m listening to - anyone - speak.
One is non-transparency (in the worst form, this is outright lying to be deceptive), usually it reads to me as “someone showing up as not themselves”, mincing words, using words that aren’t succinct, or overly academic, or too many.
Fair enough - maybe we can agree - intentional liars stink.
Have always really appreciated people who can authentically show up as themselves, whether I agree with them or not.
The more work I have to do to discern what it is they’re really saying, the leas interested I am in trying to hear them.
Unless I’ve been hired for that purpose that is. It takes my time and energy and that deserves to be compensated.
Want to hide?
Don’t want to hear other points of view?
My words don’t do you any good?
Fine, you go do you somewhere else.
DeSantis ticks the showing up as himself with ‘plain and succinct speech’ box for me every time.
Now for the thing that I get an actual physical reaction from … for no particularly obvious reason … it happened watching this specific speech.
Always happens.
Whenever anyone else feels the need to include it.
It’s the last thing he says, and I have to say I notice myself being able to step around this particular trigger (it used to ruin all the good for me) more and more as I get older.
He mentions god (lol I don’t even know whether that oughta be capitalized)
And with that comes so many stories - no matter who it is who’s listening.
For me it’s extra and unnecessary.
Doesn’t add any value for me. Especially in private conversations.
But I realize he’s got his own convictions (whatever they may be) and a wider base than just me to be connecting with.
And honestly, so long as a politician’s religious ideology (I include Wokeism here) doesn’t infringe on my personal freedoms.
We good.
How about you?