Elon @ Ted 2 days ago - he fascinates me, has for years.
Really appreciate his call for transparency and being a stand for real free speech.
I think one of the things I appreciate the most is his transparency.
You may have heard me say this before - I say it a lot.
I always have appreciated people who are being themselves without apology. Whatever that turns out to look like.
Something else I got to notice watching this - plus an ah hah from a Notself Session that I had with someone on Friday.
[Heads up Human Design geekery ahead - this is a bit of a crossover piece, usually Human Design posts and convo lands here]
I thought the part of the conversation about Asbergers and what that possibly has allowed for (in the direction of his brilliance) was extra interesting to consider.
I also heard (and realized as I was listening) - my View IS Possibility.
That’s what this conversation was about. It’s what he and all his projects are about.
Possibility, possibility, possibility and more possibility. The word kept coming up in the interviewers part of the conversation.
Current politics - it’s the possibility and forward thinking people who catch my attention.
There’s more than a few parts of my Human Design that seek the details for foundation understanding - but at some point I arrive at enough details to come to a “probability” and it’s there I can remember to let go. At that point, all I have is Distraction and also Motivation transference potential.
I was having a Notself Session the other day and thanks to some Right Mind question pulling, I was able to nuance a difference between different sorts of Needs (we were both Fear Motivation and happen to have Open head centers) … having a clearer understanding of what that transference can look like in real life interactions.
Something really clear came out of me about Need - as a transference, and how Fear Motivation might describe it. Not all Need is created equal. Emergency Need is one thing. My 19/49 and one of my Gates 47 “the saint” can totally get behind and support that.
It’s the needy, whiney, non-emergency emergency that I can’t even hear. Even when my kids were young - I would be like …. “look you’re gonna have to stop whining because I can’t even hear what it is that’s the problem”.
And I couldn’t. So they did :)
Good to notice and maybe be reminded of I think - how each person’s lens is distinct and what is correct for one, can totally be not that for another.
In between is understanding and grace.
This “am I distracted from my View, am I Transferred from my Motivation, is this thing my thing to be thinking about” part. So important.
And maybe that has an expiration point as in the case of this idea that starting out investigations and seeing Possibilities… can evolve with more information … and evolve to be not “for my attention” at some point.
When things turn Probable. It could be time (for me) to move on.
That’s for someone else to see.
Or not.
Either way, not my business.