Where to begin. WHERE To Begin.
Without bogging down in a recap of the utter disaster - for the whole world - this Covid … THING … has been (stuff which can be referenced in due time as we go along here - assuming I have the ongoing energy that I’ve apparently had till now) …
It seems like this has been brewing for nearly 2 years. Nearly.
I haven’t formally blogged in years.
Can remember with a crisp clarity when I published my first one.
It was 2005.
On Blogger.
And the stunned feeling of freedom and amazement I felt once that had been accomplished … well, there’s no way to describe it really. I think I felt all powerful - the possibilities of communicating with an infinite number of people outside of my immediate local community as easily (or sometimes, maybe often, even easier) than the people who lived up the road.
Not that the arrival of the Internet curtailed my card-carrying-introverted-lifer-self from talking to my neighbors - oh no, we shan’t be going there.
I’ve been online since 1996 and the only thing the Internet has ever done is upleveled my communication. Periot. (yes that’s not a typo my wordsmith friend)
Anyway, back to getting this first piece written so the bandaid is off.
It’s the Monday after the weekend that Justin Trudeau’s emergency act debacle ended the Freedom Convoy 2022 in downtown Ottawa.
Turns out it’s a public holiday in both the US and Canada.
Maybe just as well. Feels like having a pause is not the worst thing.
Even down here in Florida, I’ve felt invested (and been essentially glued to the real-time unfolding since the day the convoy started rolling) and thanks to the non-legacy news documentarians especially, seeing what really went down vs. how whatever was going on was (or wasn’t) filtered through what was once accepted as portals for getting at least somewhat accurate information …
Mind. Blowing.
I also, like many others here in the US I’m sure got an opportunity to learn so much about Canada that I never knew. Mostly geography and political history - leading up to current events.
What I’ve come to understand about how differently their government is set up is pretty interesting. Especially in the context of looking at how it’s about to survive or fail … and how that’s come to even be possible.
In my next post, I’ll be sharing a video from Jordan Peterson that can set the foundation and bridge the gap between anyone who is aware of what’s just happened in Canada over the last month and anyone who isn’t fully up to speed.
And maybe you’ll see why it matters to Americans.
This is me, getting to the bottom of things - it’s what I do; who I am.
This is me heading out …
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Well this should be an interesting rabbit hole to follow ;-)
Nice to see you out and about on a blogging platform.